Camping Gear and Supplies

Camping gear and supplies: this website has got your back. A very knowledgeable man once said: It is better to have Camping Gear and Supplies and not need them, than to need than and not have them. I think that was Mike Baxter on Outdoor Man. I agree it is always better to be ready. But in looking over this website there are a lot of things here that are really good for camping and just being in the outdoors.

For instance, a medical kit. If you are going to be in the great outdoors for a weekend, someone is bound to get hurt. That is if your family is anything like mine. Someone always gets hurt, a cut or scrape or bee sting.

Tents, Everyone Needs a Good Tent

What about tents? If you are spending the night in the woods you are going to need a tent and not one of those little boy scout jobs that will fall over with the first wind gust. Been there done that. If I am going to spend the night in the woods, I want a tent that is going to keep me in and the bugs out. But let’s face it. The chances of me ever spending another night in the woods is probably never ever gonna happen. Been there done that too.

Check out these tents, I might consider a night in the forest if I had one of these, but don’t count on it. I still don’t understand why the food was up in the tree and we slept on the ground??? Check out all the great Camping Gear for everyday use. You will be glad that you did.

Camping Gear and Other Things????

Somedays we all need an escape. After a hard day at work or just being a Mom, If you don’t think that is a hard job, you try chasing a 2 or 3-year-old around all day. Unfortunately, I don’t have a two or three-year-old to chase around. My girls are grown. So I just have my Work-at-Home business to reflect one. I used to say Calgon take me away. Now my catchphrase is it’s 5 PM where is my wine? Yes, I need a glass of Fine Premium wine from my Wine of the Month Club just to sit down on the patio and reflect on the adventures of the day. Talking with my husband and usually, the neighbors come over and have a glass with us too.

We have all had days in our lives and seen things that we wish we had not had to go through. Even things that may make you wish you had Camping Gear and Supplies squirreled away, just in case. It is never wrong to be ready. This is an incredible resource and so many of the items here are things you can use now and may need later. Come along and browse and see what they have in store for you. To make your life easier now and in the future with camping gear and supplies. Except for the wine, don’t store it, I would suggest you drink it!!!