Best Pet Supplies

The best pet supplies make having pets easier and more fun. Pets are a valuable part of the family. So we have to provide for them with pet supplies to fit their needs. We treat them like family members. When we lose one it is like losing a piece of your heart. Lucy is a Mini-Schnauzer. She is my second.  My first Max passed away about 5 years ago from a blood disease. I did not know she was sick. She just passed out and we took her to the Vet and they ran some tests and said that she was too far gone to do anything because of her age, she was 12. Now my Lucy has the same thing. It’s called hyperlipidemia.  Fortunately, it can be controlled with diet.

Finding the Best Care for Your Pet

Best pet supplies

When you are looking for a Vet there are a lot of things to consider. First, is he close enough that you can get there in an emergency? Is he a good Vet? Does he have good reviews on his website? Better yet does he have a website, so you can check his reviews? This was important to me after I had an encounter with a not so gentle Vet. I want my fur baby treated with the same loving care that I give her not treated like she is just a dog. Therefore, I want someone with a gentle touch and a soothing voice. Going to the Vet is traumatic for most pets so you want someone who will calm them not traumatize them more.

Making Them Look Good

Looking for the best Groomer can be a challenge too. I took Lucy to a new groomer who was closer to home but that was a big mistake. She liked going to the groomer before I tried this closer one.  Even now almost 2 years later, she still gets nervous when it’s time for a haircut.  Not quite sure what happened but I know that whatever the groomer did to her that day was not pleasant, and it has caused her to fear the grooming process.

Pet Supplies for Sleeping

pet supplies

Making your pet comfy for night time and nap time is important also. Having the proper place and bedding is so important to make them comfortable, so they can rest easy and feel safe and secure.

Best Pet Supplies for Meal Time

When it comes to mealtime most pets are excited and ready to eat. It is important to make sure that they don’t eat to fast. You can find feeding dishes that will help control how fast they are able to gobble their food. These are a good idea if your pet eats like they are eating their last meal at every meal.  Make sure that their food bowls and water bowls are clean and fresh to control any intestinal germs or bacteria they may ingest.

Bath Time

If your pets are not too large, you may want to bathe them between grooming trips. You do need to be careful though that you don’t bathe them too often or you run the risk of drying out their skin and getting skin infections.  You probably should not bathe your pets more than once a month, unless of course, like Lucy, your pet likes to roll in the mud occasionally.  Always use pet shampoo or even baby shampoo to bathe your pet.

You Can Find Lots of Good Pet Supplies on Amazon and at Pet-Friendly Prices