New Schooling Program

New Schooling Program for Our Children is Here! And it does so in a way that looks to the future and solves all of K–12 education’s problems.

Our Education Systems are not as good as they once were. Technology, automation, and the advancement of artificial intelligence are all transforming jobs, businesses, and social programs.

New Schooling Program

There is no way the present school system can meet the needs of the future. And not to mention all the things that are coming out.

As business leaders, we worked together to develop a better way. So, let’s talk about the problems and issues the school system faces daily. Then, let’s look at the issues our children face daily. And know confidently that we have a remedy to fix every problem.


  1. Outdated curricula: The school system hasn’t evolved enough to meet the quickly changing needs of the 21st century. This has led to many out-of-date curricula. As a result, most don’t reflect the skills needed for a digital economy or the job market’s needs.
  2. Insufficient technology integration: Many schools still don’t have the means to give students access to advanced technology. This makes it harder for students to learn digital literacy and other important skills for the future.
  3. Rigid teaching methods: Traditional teaching methods, like lectures and memorization by rote. These methods are not good for developing creativity, critical thought, and problem-solving skills. These methods don’t interest kids or work for different ways of learning.
  4. Overemphasis on standardized testing: High-stakes standardized tests may smother imagination. Making it hard for teachers to focus on each student’s needs instead of just getting them ready for a test.
  5. Lack of focus on soft skills: The school system often overlooks the value of building soft skills. The likes of communication, collaboration, and empathy. These skills are crucial for success in the modern workplace.
  6. Support for diverse learners is lacking. Schools often don’t give students with learning difficulties what they need to thrive. Also included in this group are those who come from different cultures.
  7. Limited career guidance: Few schools offer enough career guidance and counseling. They fail to help students determine their interests and make smart choices about their futures.
  8. There is not enough focus on lifelong learning, if any at all. The present school system tends to focus on preparing students for immediate academic and professional goals, instead of teaching them to love learning and be flexible, which will help them throughout their lives.
  9. Inadequate teacher training and support: Inadequate training and support for teachers: Teachers often don’t have access to ongoing professional development and tools to keep up with best practices, which makes it harder for them to teach students well.
  10. Overcrowded classrooms: As the number of students per teacher rises, it gets harder for teachers to give each student the attention they need, which lowers the level of education.
  11. Unequal access to resources: Socioeconomic differences often lead to underfunded schools and unequal access to educational resources. This keeps students in poverty and limits their possibilities.
  12. Outdated physical infrastructure: Physical infrastructure that is outdated: Many school buildings and facilities are old and in bad shape, making it hard to learn and harder to use current technology.
  13. Resistance to change: The school system can be slow to adapt and use new methods, partly because of red tape, a lack of money, and a reluctance to move away from old ways of doing things. This means that students aren’t always well-prepared for the future.

We could go on and on about the problems in our education system, including bullying, mental health problems, and many other things that slow down or stop the growth of education. The system has stopped working.


  1. Curriculum that is up-to-date and relevant: Expert online educators can ensure that their curriculum is always up-to-date and meets the needs of the 21st century. This solves the problem of the old curriculum in traditional school systems.
  2. Access to cutting-edge technology: Online education platforms can give students access to the latest educational technology. This can help students learn how to use technology and close the technology gap that exists in many schools.
  3. Methods of teaching that are flexible and adaptable: Expert online teachers can use various methods, such as project-based learning and personalized training, that cater to different ways of learning and encourage creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
  4. Less focus on standard tests: Online education can emphasize useful assessments and feedback more than high-stakes tests so that teachers can focus on each student’s needs and progress.
  5. Focus on developing “soft skills”: Expert online teachers can help students develop “soft skills” like communication, teamwork, and understanding as part of their lessons, which will help them succeed in the modern workplace.
  6. Support for diverse learners: Online education platforms can offer specialized resources and tools for students with disabilities, learning problems, or from different cultural backgrounds, making learning more inclusive.
  7. Comprehensive career advice: Online education can give students access to a wide range of career guidance and counseling services, which can help them figure out what they are good at and what they want to do with their lives.
  8. Focus on lifelong learning: Expert online teachers can teach their students to love learning and be flexible, which will help them become lifelong learners who can do well in a world that changes quickly.
  9. Continuous professional development for teachers: Online education platforms can offer ongoing training and help for teachers, making sure they know the best ways to teach and can give their students the best education possible.
  10. With the possibility of lower student-to-teacher ratios, online education can allow for more individual lessons, which is a problem in traditional schools where classrooms are often too full.
  11. Online education can make access to high-quality educational tools more equal for all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background. This helps to close the opportunity gap.
  12. Modern learning environments: Online education offers students a relaxing, engaging, and unrestricted learning space.
  13. Agility and responsiveness to change: Online education platforms can respond more quickly to new ways of teaching and trends, ensuring that students are ready for the future.
  14. Customizable learning paths: Expert online teachers can make learning paths based on each student’s needs, hobbies, and goals. This makes learning more focused and efficient.
  15. Online education lets students and teachers meet and work together from all over the world. This helps spread global awareness and intercultural understanding, which are important skills for the future.
  1. Access to global expertise: Online education platforms can connect students with expert teachers worldwide. This gives students access to different views and specialized knowledge that may not be available in traditional school systems.
  2. Self-paced learning: Online education lets students learn at their own pace. Also, allowing them to speed up their learning and get help if needed. This solves the problem of traditional schools’ rigid teaching methods.
  3. Real-world applications: Expert online teachers can make project-based learning experiences that put students in real-world situations and give them real-world challenges. This helps students get ready for their future jobs.
  4. Data-driven instruction: Online education platforms can collect and analyze data about how well students do in school. This lets teachers make better choices about teaching and give each student the help they need.
  5. Promoting student independence: Online education platforms can help students become more independent by letting them take charge of their learning and choose the topic and pace of their education.
  6. Parental involvement: Online education can make it easier for teachers and parents to talk to each other, so families can stay up-to-date on their child’s progress and help create a positive learning atmosphere.
  7. Access to various learning tools: Online education sites can give students access to a wide range of multimedia learning tools, which can help them learn in different ways and keep them interested.
  8. Cost-effectiveness: Online education can help families and school systems save money, which makes education more available and fair for everyone. In other words, everyone has the same chance at a proper education.
  9. Emphasis on interdisciplinary learning: Expert online teachers can make lessons that focus on the links between different subjects. This helps students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills across disciplines. On the positive side, teaching the student to think outside the box.
  10. Expanded opportunities for extracurricular activities: Online education can give students access to virtual clubs, competitions, and other extracurricular activities that may not be offered at their local schools.
  11. Enhanced collaboration and communication: Online education platforms can make it easier for students and teachers to work together and talk to each other by giving them the proper tools. For example, discussion boards, group projects, and video conferences.
  12. Schedule flexibility: Students can make their schedules with online education, which fits their needs and helps them feel less stressed.
  13. Adaptability to changing job markets: Online education platforms can quickly change their courses to meet the needs of the changing job market. This makes sure that students are well-prepared for future job possibilities. Different from the stagnant curriculum that is taught and seldom changed in public schools.
  14. Fostering a growth mindset: Expert online teachers can help their students develop a growth mindset by encouraging them to accept obstacles, learn from their mistakes, and always try to improve.
  15. Environmentally friendly: Online education is better for the earth than traditional schooling because it reduces the need for transportation, paper, and other resources.

And with how we have made this amazing solution, which we call “Brainfood Ambassador.” We are giving students a better way to learn and easier access to courses. Not to mention, we do it in ways that bring the amount of money available for education to a whole new level.

We know that Brainfood Ambassador is the way to teach our kids what they need to know for the future. This is the best answer, and it comes with even more answers to help you and your family get the best results from the best education.

Funding for Education:

Brainfood Ambassador is set up and always comes up with new ways to help families get the most out of the different funding choices offered by the state and federal governments so that their children can get a good education. Here are some ways that governments might give money to kids so that they can join private education programs like Brainfood Ambassador:

There are many different ways to get money for education. And with the help of Brainfood Ambassador’s experts. We are trying to connect parents with the different programs that are offered. Even so, we are a private and “non-government” business in education solutions. We run with efficiency and success-proven methods backed by over 30 years of success.

We’ve been working with online solutions and the evolution of solutions for more than 30 years. Which has given us a lot of great benefits that help us support the New Way of Educating Our Future Here.

This lets schools use their money more effectively. And leaves resources open so they can help the Student the most. Every student should be able to get a good education, not just the best one. They should also be able to get tutoring and support based on their hobbies and career goals. You’re going to love Brainfood Ambassador as an option.

Some ways to get money include the following and more:

  1. Education Savings Accounts (ESAs): State governments can set up ESA programs, which allow parents to receive a deposit of public funds into a government-approved savings account. These funds, such as Brainfood Ambassador and other private online education sites, can be used for approved education costs.
  2. Scholarships with a tax credit: States can give tax credits to people or businesses that give money to non-profit organizations that give scholarships. Then, these groups give scholarships to kids so they can go to private schools or online programs like Brainfood Ambassador.
  3. Vouchers: Families can get vouchers from the government, which lets them use public money to pay for private education choices like Brainfood Ambassador. Families usually get vouchers based on their income or other qualifying requirements.
  4. Federal Grants and Scholarships: Federal grant programs, like the Pell Grant, could include private online education programs like Brainfood Ambassador. Equally important, this would give eligible kids from low-income families more money to help them pay for school.
  5. State Grants and Scholarships: The government of a state can give grants and scholarships to students who participate in private education programs, like Brainfood Ambassador, or online platforms like it.
  6. Public-Private Partnerships: State and federal governments can work with private education providers like Brainfood Ambassador to create partnerships to help students get private online education funds. Therefore, more students are eligible for better education opportunities.
  7. Income Share Agreements (ISAs): Governments can work with private education companies like Brainfood Ambassador to offer ISAs, which let students get an education with no upfront cost. In exchange, students agree to pay back a certain amount of their future income for a set amount of time after they get a job.
  8. Federal Work-Study Programs: Private online education sites like Brainfood Ambassador can be added to federal work-study programs so that eligible students can work part-time to help pay for their schooling.

The state and federal governments may guarantee that more children can access high-quality private education by making these funding choices available. Therefore, education through online platforms like Brainfood Ambassador promotes educational equity and fosters diverse educational opportunities for all children.

Attend the Training Classes for details on Funding Support. Get instructions on how to Access Funds on a state-by-state and county-by-county basis.

start here

Brainfood Ambassador costs for your family.

Family Account Access for a year costs $1,188.00 USD, which costs $99 per month for a year. Then, the Yearly Family Access is immediately renewed for another year. It’s a promise you make every year.

This Family Account Access lets up to ten students (called “User Accounts”) use it. All of these must be people who live at the same address. So a family of up to 10 kids or adults can use Classes.

Then, there is a fee per Student (User Account) per Grade per Year. User Accounts keep track of each Student’s progress in school and attendance. Each student gets their own account.

  • There is no cost for kindergarten. We give a free User Account to kindergarteners. Just create a free account for your family.
  • The Yearly Education Fee is $1,308.00 USD for grades 1 through 8, which costs $109 per month for a year.
  • The Yearly Education Fee is $1,548.00 USD for grades 9 through 12, which costs $129 monthly for a year.

There are more services available, such as::

  • Help for a specific grade and student tutoring. There are options for individuals or small groups.
  • More options for electives and trade schools
  • Courses for adults and courses that help them choose a career

PRE-REGISTRATION for the First School Year of 2023-2024: CONTACT US

During the initial launch of our solution, Families can join for only $1 until July 31, 2023. Then, on August 14, just two weeks before school starts, we’ll charge the first $99.00 for Monthly Family Account Access.

After August 14, 2023, all User Accounts within the Family Account Access can set up and start their Yearly Education for the chosen Year of Education.

The first day of school will be soon.

Set up Family Account Access as soon as possible! CONTACT US

About the Process of Teaching and Tutoring:

We also took care of the Educational Needs for the Future. Consequently, we took care of every part of the Solution’s needs. The teachers and tutors as well.

With Brainfood Ambassador, we have made the most rewarding and profitable partnership program out there. There is much to talk about here. As a result, we will give you more information as you move into the Information Portal.

We are proud to Have Made a Way for Teachers to Really Get What They’re Worth. As a result, as they do more good, they can make more money.

Contacting Us to learn how to become a Brainfood Ambassador Teacher, Tutor, or Brand partner.